Thursday, May 7, 2009

Taking adderall and all of a sudden have developed severe skin itching..?

I am 32 years old and have taken adderall before while in school but I have not takin it for this long of a period of time without a break so I am not sure if this is a side effect.

I have been taking it everyday since August 10th. I take a 20mgs a day. Sometimes i got a day without it.

For about a week and half now I have had EXTREME skin itching especially in scalp. I thought it was my soap so I stopped that. At times it gets so bad that I take a bath 3 times a day. Tonight I am so frustrated and have itched my head so bad that my roots hurt.

I last took 10mg of Adderall yesterday and none today

has anyone else experienced this?

I have stopped everything-switched out laundry det., switch bath soap-not used soap, everything you can think of...

i am pulling straws now thing it might be the adderall.

Taking adderall and all of a sudden have developed severe skin itching..?
It's definitely an allergic reaction. You need to take benedryl, 50 mg every 4 hours. And if your tongue begins to swell, or it becomes difficult to breathe, call 911. Otherwise see your dr. in the morning.

TX Mom
Reply:You need to talk to your doctor or your pharmacist. In the meantime, please take 50mg of Benadryl or a 10mg Claritin to stop the itching. Please do not shower three times a day, you're only making matters worse.

More than likely a side effect of the drug. You can have side effects now that you didn't have before. If the Adderall works well for you, you might have to get used to taking it with Benadryl, Claritin, or some hydroxyzine. You'll need to get a prescription for the hydroxyzine though.

If you are going to change your soap go with dye free, perfume free soap like Dove. Dye free, perfume free laundry detergent and fabric softener are good move, too.

To soothe the itchy skin, try some Eucerin Calming Cream. It feels very good and combined with an anti-histamine should provide you with relief right away.

Hope you quit itching soon.
Reply:I too have times of extreme itching. I have been taking the generic form for many months. It started when I had this persciption filled about 3 weeks ago with one little dot on the inside of my right wrist. Then the next night that same dot itched but I had a few more; on my left forearm, one on top of my right foot and a few on my shins. Every night there are a few more tiny little itchy dots. They are appearing almost all over. Not the typical places where clothing rubs. None on my face yet. One or two in my scalp. Since they are not in my scalp I thought it was my bath soap, or laundry detergent, etc. I too am thinking it is the meds. I even called the pharmacy that begins with a W. on Friday to see if anyone else had reported itching since their last perscription was filled. No one else.



  1. I sometimes itch so badly I scratch until I'm almost bleeding - it's gross, not to mention you look like you're unclean or something to other people who are watching you scratch your head, back and arms like a crazy person! Yes, adderall makes you it, but going off it isn't an option for me (law school is a b*tch) so, I guess I'll just keep scratching - - - lotions helps a little - but to the dude taking 3 showers a day, you are SO making it worse ;)

  2. I have the same problem and I take Adderall and Norco. It is so bad sometimes I feel I will go insane or have to go to the ER. I have tried allergy pills and creams, but doesn't relieve it much. One thing that helped more was an Oatmeal bath soak. My scalp also itches as well and my nose, eyes, and ears. I have looked up the Norco side effects and can't find anything on itching.

  3. this has started happening to me as well! I've been taking 10mgs/day of Adderall XR for about a year. The itching started with the scalp a few days ago, now its backs of my arms, legs and stomach/neck. I thought it was just because it's winter now and the air is dry but my skin doesn't appear dry or anything...
    I find it only really bad at night though, and I can just drink some Benadryl and go to sleep. I bought Aveeno skin lotion and body wash as well..
    I don't suppose this ever stops, does it? Disappointment.
