Saturday, April 24, 2010

I believe my dog to be a Belgium Malinois (Shepard mix?). What are solutions to itching and biting skin?

I believe Pepper to have allergies, but I'm not 100% sure. I've tried switching food, flea medicines, detergents, etc. She constantly itches and bites herself; sometimes causing open sores. She concentrates most on her paws, tail, and privates. The vet only offers benadryl as a solution. It does nothing but make her drowsy. I've tried different anti-itch soaps and sprays. NOTHING WORKS! I feel very bad for her as I could not imagine having to scratch every 5 seconds! Help!

I believe my dog to be a Belgium Malinois (Shepard mix?). What are solutions to itching and biting skin?
Try to figure out what the allergy is too. German shepherds have some problems with food and medicine/flea prevention allergies. If this isn't the problem, try giving your dog a hardboiled egg every couple of days. They are very good for the skin and coat. It could also be seasonal allergies or a reaction to something used to treat the grass in your neighborhood or pollution in the air or shampoos, her dog bed, or the detergent you use on your clothes, or whatever. It could also be dry skin which could be treated with specific shampoos or it could be an infestation like fleas. Another option that might sound silly but I've seen in action is that the dog is acting out an emotional problem. I once cared for a Bichon Frise with the same symptoms and eventually figured out that she became self-destructive, especially pulling the fur off her feet until they bled, over being left for boarding while her family was frequently out of town. If you exhaust all the physical problems (and seriously consider all those possibilities because they are much more likely to be the true cause), you may want to try getting the dog some distractions. Belgian Malinois are notorious for being too smart for their own good. Get some puzzle toys, like the balls that release treats through a maze mechanism so the dog has to bat it around the room for awhile to get the treats out. Also try setting aside some time every day to lavish attention on the dog.
Reply:i suggest eqyys products... i've used them on my dogs before with great results... you can order the products online or look in your local feed store
Reply:I suggest you to take your dog to vet. my dog used to itching and biting skin so took him to vet already so it seem stop. maybe fleas in your dog's skin.


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