Saturday, April 24, 2010

My friend is getting itching problem on her skin can you tell me ,that what kind of medicine she may use,?

my friendis getting scatches,a lots on her right hand ,please do you have a solution to tell,that what she may use to elimate her scratches,she scratch blood come out from her skin,please give solution thank you,


My friend is getting itching problem on her skin can you tell me ,that what kind of medicine she may use,?

Your friend may be having an alergic reaction to the soap she is using causing the skin to be dry and itchy.

Try to find a natural soap and use a cream with no ectra's in it like galaxal base cream .

Natural soap can be tricky to find, health shops will carry these items. I have a simular proplem and use a soap that is made with olive oil and and it has worked for me. (Rocky mountain soap)

If she is scratching until she bleeds maybe a trip to the doctor to ask to see a skin specialist that can make sure it is not something else.

In all take care of your body and it will take care of you.
Reply:Tell her to put some lotion on it.
Reply:may b ayurvedic.........?
Reply:Your friend needs to see a Dermotologist.
Reply:Does she have a fever? Did she have Chicken Pocks when she was younger? Go to a doctor and see if it's and infection or an allergy. If it's an infection, Calamine lotion is good. For other skin problems, Hydrocortizone is good or Aloe Vera.
Reply:Tell her to buy an Aloe Vera plant. Cut a leaf and rub that on. It's fantastic and cheap.
Reply:or good medicine
Reply:she could be allergic to something! so worth getting it checked out. Try tar soap, that should do the trick, seems to have worked for my daughter!!
Reply:sounds dermatilogical. go see your gp for advice and treatment. could be an allergic reaction, so don't start putting loads of different creams on cause you could aggrivate the problem. i had similar problem on my legs, its called urticaria. see your gp if symptoms persist.

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