Friday, November 20, 2009

My dog keeps itching her skin? What can I give her to help her stop itching?

I use Frontline on her so she doesn't have fleas. She is a Jack Russell and has a little bit of wired hair in her. I went to Petco and got her Oatmeal shampoo, and switched her food to lamb and rice. Is there anything else I can do? She has itched so much on her head that she has spots that have scabs on her.

My dog keeps itching her skin? What can I give her to help her stop itching?
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If you read the 'real letters' they are genuine!
Reply:You can try Benedryl or Chlortrimeton, both over-the-counter antihistamines.

Yes, dogs can take these (but don't try experimenting with other household drugs).

See how it works... if her problem is allergies, it might help. If not, take her to the vet.
Reply:It could be dry skin, if you live in a cold climate and it gets worse when the heat comes on that could be it. The heat dries out the air, and our skin as well as our pets. Try putting some form of oil on her food. Even a bit of butter, vit. E oil, tuna oil, anything like that can help.

You Jack Russel is fortunate to have such a thoughtful and concerned owner. Good Luck, I hope this helps.
Reply:You have made all the efforts you can. Consider purchasing a humidifier - it could be the dry air. Just like us they do get dry skin. Also there is a product call linetone it helps with dry itchy skin. Its like a syrup you can put on his food. It has a high contents of linolic acid and efa's to help with the skin.

I'd try not to give any drugs unless absolutely necessary.

Good Luck
Reply:Does your dog have fleas? Is she losing lots of hair? She probably is allergic to fleas. I see it alot at the vet I work for. Some dogs can be covered in them and some one flea will get on them and they start chewing and losing hair. Ask your vet if she should recieve a medicated bath twice a month and maybe a cortizone shot.

Add some vitamin e to her food I stick a pen in the capsule and drain it onto the food.

Reply:The vet can give her a cortizone shot if it just gets too bad; just don't want to do that often. It will help her itch.
Reply:I also have 2 Jack Russells that were scratching like mad. Mine have entirely different coats. I was doing the same thing that you are doing the shampoo, food everything and nothing worked until I took them to the vet and they got a shot. I gave them Benedryl and it helped a little bit, but not like the Vet. They didn't scratch for a long time after that. I know what you are going through as well as your poor pup. Good luck, I hopes that helps.
Reply:We also had a dog which was a jack Russel terrier and if its hot right now it may get a sunburn because that i what happened to ours he got sunburn and itched very badly u have to put baby powder on him so it will decrease the sunburn or it could be dry skin and i would suggest dandruff shampoo because our dogs get dandruff all the time and i know the shampoo is for humans bu t it works very well and if she has fleas i would get some dandruff shampoo and put alot of salt in the shampoo and shake it u then leave it for 10 minutes that should help or even if she doesn't have flea s that would also make her skin smooth and clean and that could prevent her from itching so bad.
Reply:it could be her food. My dog itched untill I put him on an allergy formula
Reply:Could be allergies or mange or many other conditions. You need to have her evaluated by a vet.
Reply:you should take her to the vet to see if she has a skin condition.
Reply:I would not recommend not giving her any human medicine at all. You need to take her to the vet. She might have mites or something.
Reply:There are alot of home remedies for itchy pets at read the testominials and look at the before and after pics too.

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